Dental implants are a type of titanium screw that is permanently screwed into the bone to replace one or more missing teeth.

The nomber of dental implants placed may vary depending on the clinical and radiographic evaluation of the remaining ridges.

There are 2 types of dental implants : the regular-type with a diameter of 3.0 mm or more and the mini implant which is inferior to 3.0 mm.

Regular implants are considered more permanent than mini implants. Certain restrictions exist in the choice of the implant diameter and a good clinical and radiographic evaluation will determine the appropriate diameter implant for each specific case.

The placement of the regular type implant is the most popular. The surgery involves a three stage procedure: The first stage invovles drilling or placing the dental implant into bone. The second stage consists of healing phase or verification of the integration of the implant to the sorrounding bone. Once the implant has integrated to the bone and that the healing period is terminated, the third and final stage is the placement of the crown.

Dental implants are an excellent solution for people that have lost one or more teeth as well as those who wear full or partial denture. They may be even fixed anchor points to initiate specific dental mouvements. This type of implant is however smaller then the conventional implant.

Treatments may vary from a single implant with a crown to 2, 3, 4 or 6 to 8 implants that support either a fixed bridge or a removable or fixed prothesis. One can also incorporate a bar certain restrictions apply however.
